Thursday, March 10, 2011

17 February 2011- Swimming Banquet

BEHS Swimming Banquet

I can not say enough good things about the BEHS Swim Team and their coaching staff.  In most teams there is rivalry not only from one school to another, but within the team itself. However, you will not see that among those swimmers at BEHS.  What you find are students who are competing against their best, their fastest swim time. Sure this team wants to win, but the real goal is improving their own time and if they do that, They truly are winners!! Can you believe there is a coaching staff that is teaching things that will benefit our children  with true skills that will benefit them for life, not just for a race. .... Yes, if they have individually improved their own time, they are WINNERS!  This coaching staff encourages the best manners among young men and women today.  I will say that Coach Robinette is not just turning out great swimmers, he is contributing to turning out  Great Citizens.  Great Young Men and  Wonderful Young Women. He is an positive reflection of most of the wonderful teachers at Box Elder High School.  If teachers across this country would emulate his example, this country could quickly fix our problems.

 Kaylee and Tiffany and their father Eric Jeppesen 
At this banquet, like all dinners that I have been attendance with them, after the blessing on the food has been offered by a swimmer, the young men step aside to allow the girls to get their meals first, but that is only after the swimmers, both the young men and women, have served their parents before they themselves serve their own dinner and join their parents to eat their meal. 

When a swim team member is swimming in a heat, the others that are available to cheer are at poolside encouraging the swimmer in the water. I have witnessed this team cheer for other swimmers from competing teams. They are encouraging each swimmer, regardless of which team that swimmer is swimming for to do their best! 

 This year, we witnessed one young swimmer, who became distracted at regionals, the crowd was so loud they didn't hear their name announced several times calling them to the block. Parents in the stand were nervous, trying to get the attention of  coaches, other swim team members, the swimmer themselves all to no avail.. by the time that the swimmer realized they should have been on the starting block, the swimmers were halfway down the pool. This swimmer ran to the heat sheet to see when their heat was swimming, realizing that this was THEIR HEAT, they ran back to the pool wanting into the water, but being turned back by the timekeepers, The swimmer burst into tears and was quickly surrounded by team members, who comforted the swimmer. The coach took this young lady in his arms and held her as she cried her heart out. At that moment, Coach Robinette was a wonderful Coach and a giant of a Father as he took this swimmer, one of  "his girls" in his arms to comfort her.  He reassured her that it was OK. She was not put down or shamed in anyways, On that day, at that very moment, many of the students, parents, swimmers were in tears as well. They all knew that it could have been them. That day we were all Fuzuki.  I worried for her, how would she feel when she came home. It was difficult to watch from the stands and not be able to do anything about it. however, when she came home, while sad that she had missed her final race of the season.. she knew that it was Ok, she was still loved by all and in no way brought about criticism from the coaches or the other swimmers. BEHS has the best students and the Swim Team has the Cream of that Crop!!!!
My camera settings were off the night of this Banquet and some or most of my photos are blurry but I remember and rely on this comment, that the faintest of ink is better than the BEST Memory. So with that in mind.... Here are the photos from the Banquet. The Banquet was held at the Brigham City Community Center. Dutch oven dinner was served. Dutch oven chicken, BBQ Ribs, Dutch oven potatoes. So, yummy. The cooks did a great job!

The coaches shared their love and appreciation for these students in their speeches. The swimmers gave awards to their peers. Most were funny. The graduating Seniors passed on their silly momentos - trophies that had been given to them by previous swimmers. Leaving a legacy of love and rememberance from those who had previously participated in this elete group of swimmers.
 Shannon and Coach Robinette
Ogden Douglas going to receive one of his numerous awards.
Coach Robinette and Tiffany Jeppesen
Kaylee Jeppesen with flower on back of her head. Seniors are passing along
their fun trivia momentos that have been passed to them from previous years.

Fuzuki was given a gift along with the seniors since they
anticipate that she will not be returning next year. 
Photo book with photos and written messages to Fuzuki.
Graduating Seniors 

Fuzuki and  
It was a fun evening for swimmers and their parents. If there is one sport that I would encourage any parent to place their student into at BEHS, it would be the Swim Team!!! 
Following this dinner, These students went to the Natatorium and went swimming together for a final Swim as a team.  They all had a great time. Fuzuki has thoroughly enjoyed her experiences as a part of this wonderful group of swimmers. 
As a Mom, I want to thank all of the students, for being uplifting and positive to their team mates. 
 I also want to thank the coaches for all the long hours that they are away from their own families so that they can be to practices, meets, and for all that they give and do help and prepare our children for the future as great individuals.  
Way to go BEHS SWIM TEAM!!!

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