Saturday, January 15, 2011

What a Great Student!!!!

I am so pleased to share this with Fuzuki's Parents to let them know just what a terrific student she is and how well she has done in school. Fuzuki is very active in extra activities with school that are very demanding and even with doing all those other activites she is able to maintain a nearly straight A grade level.   We are very PROUD of Fuzuki and her academic studies. She is doing very well in her studies and in her extra school activities.

Yesterday,  I met one of the Japanese boys who came to Utah with the exchange program, I believe his name is Hilo, or something like that, I appologize, I cannot remember how he told me to spell his name.  He told me that going to school in America is like a holiday compared to school in Japan.  I know that while I am glad that he is having a "break", it might not be totally accurate observation.  When we register the students from Japan in the Schools, we are told to not enroll them in the difficult classes due to their limited English skills. We schedule the most English Intensive classes to come in the later trimesters because they will have improved their skills. So, yes, the American schools are not nearly as intense in their academic studies, but perhaps they are not as laid back as this young man's belief.  

Fuzuki is breezing through the math classes without any difficulty. It is all a review for her. That was intentional, we knew that she would have her hands full with English Literature and American History Classes. They require an exceptional amount of work.  Fuzuki will tell you Math is easy and is a class that she thorougly enjoys.  English Literature and History are not as easy for her. She works very hard to learn the vocabulary terms for tests.  I am not sure that Fuzuki would totally agree with her friend's opinion on the schooling.

Honor Roll Certificate
arrived today addressed to Fuzuki's parents or Guardians

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