Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Ball Dance 2010

Calin and Fuzuki
Fuzuki went on her first date while here in America. Today, and especially here in Utah, A young man does not simply ask a girl out on a date. He must ask in a cleaver and cute way, and she must answer him in the same manner. Often families occur as much expense in the asking for the date and answering as the date cost itself. Often these dates, events last all day, and is what I refer to as a date inside of a date or a date before the date. So, I was pleased to have Calin ask in the way that he did... fun, simple and not a huge expense. Several days before Calin asked Fuzuki out, we had talked at the school choir concert and told me that he would like to ask Fuzuki to the Snow Ball Dance, so I gave him permission and encouraged him to ask her. I thought that she would really enjoy the dance.

The Invitation
We came home from the store to find a posterboard  and a tin of cookies with a bow on top of the tin of cookies, on the steps with cute drawings and characters or words in Japanese, asking Fuzuki to go to the Snow Ball Dance with him. The young man, Calin, who lives next door to where Ona lives, had recieved help from Ona to write the request in japanese. He had also left a box of butter cookies.  Fuzuki quickly replied the next day in school by giving him a box of japanese cookies and on the box, she wrote "Yes, I would love to go to dance".  It was very cute.   This is the picture that was taken at the dance. For some reason, for this dance they are to dress alike, and the boy must purchase a shirt that matches his for his date. So, this is the shirt that Calin bought for Fuzuki.  Cute pictures!!!

He picked Fuzuki up here at the home, took her to dinner at Subways and then to his home for pictures with his parents and to play games with his family, then they went to the dance. She said that she had a wonderful time. She really had alot of fun at the dance!!

Fuzuki has made some awesome friends!!  Calin is ONE of those Awesome Friends!!

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