Thursday, January 20, 2011

Regional Swim Meet

These are photos from Regional Swim Meet. The schools that participated were outstanding.
The Boys at BEHS Took Third place, while the Girls at BEHS took Fourth place at Regionals.
There were so many people there and the sound (NOISE) was horrendous! Very very Noisey!
This meet was different, and I supposed that Fuzuki feels disappointed . She performed very well in the heats that she competed in.  Fuzuki will not be swimming at the State Competitions, but we think that she is a real Winner!! She gave her very best at every meet and every heat. Thats all  it takes to be a WINNER!!
Regionals at Mountain Crest High School
Hyrum, Utah

 You may notice the BEHS boys shaved their heads for the race.

                                                                     Chauncey and his dad
Lots of people, Lots of noise and Lots of FUN!!!
 What a great group of friends, they are great to cheer and to comfort!


Mid-Term Retreat Dinner

Fuzuki, Ohne,
All the Exchange students and their families had dinner together last Friday evening in Fruit Heights at the LDS chapel. What a great dinner was provided by everyone. We had a pot luck dinner. I think that everyone had a wonderful time. We had the opportunity to meet other students and hear of their experiences and their feelings about their school experiences and home experiences. Most of the students were having a great time. Some told us that they felt that School truly was a HOLIDAY in comparison to school in Japan. They felt that the tests were smaller, and much easier. I am so glad that they are having such a great time. Far better they are having a holiday than being swamped and not being able to keep up in their studies.  All the students were so happy to see their friends. There were many HUGS and Squeels of excitement when they saw their friends.

The Students went to Moose Hollow, where they went snowboarding and snow sking all day on Saturday. The families were to pick up their students on Sunday at Moose Hollow by 11am. We made arrangements with two other parents here in Brigham city, to carpool the students back. So, Stacey, Uskee's Mom went for the students at Moose hollow and returned to Brigham City around 1pm Sunday.  Roger was a great Dad and went to pick up Fuzuki at Stacey's home.

Fuzuki said that she had a wonderful time. She went down the small slope several times and the medium slope once or twice and several times down the very long and difficult slope. We are so proud of Fuzuki!!
She is a bit sore in her legs and arms due to the extra exercise and the different muscles used in sking vs. swimming. She had a great time!!

Friends, wow, its so good to see each other!

He believes that School in America is a HOLIDAY!!!

Where did that Basketball go?
Everyone is playing BB or talking to friends.

Fuzuki's counselors are in center in blue jacket and red tshirt.
Lamar and Lisa.

Sharon Welcoming everyone to dinner and explaining the rules for the weekend.
 Dinner is Yummy!!
The Boys at the Table are so cute and quite fun to talk with too.


 Going to Miss ya Sister !!
 Have Fun and I'll See ya on Sunday!! 

Everyone is starting a game.
Jason and Eve
Jason's Mom is one of the Exchange committee members and he has become friends with Eve.
It was difficult to leave our student and return home without her.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Best Team in School


Fuzuki absolutely LOVES the Swim Team!!! This week she had to miss an afternoon practice and she was a little disappointed that she was only able to swim one time in the day.  She has grown accustomed to swimming for 3 hrs a day. Fuzuki swims at 6am Before school and in school and after school  til 5:30pm. Three practices a day. She will finish up the Swim Team this coming week as the season is ending. I am sure that she will go through withdrawls. The team does every year when the season ends they are all sad.  They grow so accustomed to those work outs and to eating those extra 4000 calories a day that they burn in those work outs.

I think that this is a beautiful photo of Fuzuki in the Team Swimming Suit. She has been such a great sport to participate in this great sport. She has made some of the best friends a girl could ask for. They cheer for each other and its about being your personal best, not in beating someone else. They are great friends and great students. Just fine examples for others in all sports!! The Best group of students and theBEST Coaching Staff and Just the BEST Sport at BEHS!!!   Go BEES!!!

Coaching Staff
Coaching Staff in flowered shirts.
 Fuzuki in in the background to the left wearing a tan and brown stripped towel.

Fun Video
Everyone had alot of fun, Two of the Logan girls dancing and cheering on their team.

Get Ready

These photos were taken at the BEHS vs Logan Meet.
 It was held at Utah State University in the HPER building. 
Fuzuki said that the water there was very very cold that night.
 She was getting ready to step up on the diving platform.
It was difficult to hold the camera still shooting without a flash and the flash made it too dark.
 So blurry looks great in comparisson.

Get Set

Fuzuki swims her fastest times doing the Breast stroke. She did a great job in this relay race.

BEHS Boys Won, Logan Girls Won this meet.
 All Were TRUE Winners because they had a great time and were GREATsports!!!

Our Swimmer
One Happy Girl. She did her BEST at the swim meet and now has a full tummy.
Way to go!! Great Job Fuzuki!!

What a Great Student!!!!

I am so pleased to share this with Fuzuki's Parents to let them know just what a terrific student she is and how well she has done in school. Fuzuki is very active in extra activities with school that are very demanding and even with doing all those other activites she is able to maintain a nearly straight A grade level.   We are very PROUD of Fuzuki and her academic studies. She is doing very well in her studies and in her extra school activities.

Yesterday,  I met one of the Japanese boys who came to Utah with the exchange program, I believe his name is Hilo, or something like that, I appologize, I cannot remember how he told me to spell his name.  He told me that going to school in America is like a holiday compared to school in Japan.  I know that while I am glad that he is having a "break", it might not be totally accurate observation.  When we register the students from Japan in the Schools, we are told to not enroll them in the difficult classes due to their limited English skills. We schedule the most English Intensive classes to come in the later trimesters because they will have improved their skills. So, yes, the American schools are not nearly as intense in their academic studies, but perhaps they are not as laid back as this young man's belief.  

Fuzuki is breezing through the math classes without any difficulty. It is all a review for her. That was intentional, we knew that she would have her hands full with English Literature and American History Classes. They require an exceptional amount of work.  Fuzuki will tell you Math is easy and is a class that she thorougly enjoys.  English Literature and History are not as easy for her. She works very hard to learn the vocabulary terms for tests.  I am not sure that Fuzuki would totally agree with her friend's opinion on the schooling.

Honor Roll Certificate
arrived today addressed to Fuzuki's parents or Guardians

Snow Ball Dance 2010

Calin and Fuzuki
Fuzuki went on her first date while here in America. Today, and especially here in Utah, A young man does not simply ask a girl out on a date. He must ask in a cleaver and cute way, and she must answer him in the same manner. Often families occur as much expense in the asking for the date and answering as the date cost itself. Often these dates, events last all day, and is what I refer to as a date inside of a date or a date before the date. So, I was pleased to have Calin ask in the way that he did... fun, simple and not a huge expense. Several days before Calin asked Fuzuki out, we had talked at the school choir concert and told me that he would like to ask Fuzuki to the Snow Ball Dance, so I gave him permission and encouraged him to ask her. I thought that she would really enjoy the dance.

The Invitation
We came home from the store to find a posterboard  and a tin of cookies with a bow on top of the tin of cookies, on the steps with cute drawings and characters or words in Japanese, asking Fuzuki to go to the Snow Ball Dance with him. The young man, Calin, who lives next door to where Ona lives, had recieved help from Ona to write the request in japanese. He had also left a box of butter cookies.  Fuzuki quickly replied the next day in school by giving him a box of japanese cookies and on the box, she wrote "Yes, I would love to go to dance".  It was very cute.   This is the picture that was taken at the dance. For some reason, for this dance they are to dress alike, and the boy must purchase a shirt that matches his for his date. So, this is the shirt that Calin bought for Fuzuki.  Cute pictures!!!

He picked Fuzuki up here at the home, took her to dinner at Subways and then to his home for pictures with his parents and to play games with his family, then they went to the dance. She said that she had a wonderful time. She really had alot of fun at the dance!!

Fuzuki has made some awesome friends!!  Calin is ONE of those Awesome Friends!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lincoln Youth Symphony-A New Year

Today is the first practice of the New Year for the Lincoln Youth Symphony. Fuzuki is excited and Eve is dreading it.  Fuzuki loves to play the violin while Eve plays the violin, but it really isn't her love. She loves to Sing!!  Eve loves music, she plays the piano and the violin, but absolutely loves to sing most of all. Fuzuki truly loves to play the violin, which makes it wonderful to listen to her play. She has a love for the instrument that comes through in her playing. She also plays the flute, which she has to continue to practice the flute while she is here in America, but she has told me the same thing as Eve... She can play it, but she loves the Violin.. not the flute! 

It is a wonderful blessing to have a love for music, whether it is in playing an instrument or using your voice. If you can play an instrument or sing, you have been blessed with a great talent and you have truly been blessed!  These girls have been blessed!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Swim Meet at USU BEHS vs Logan

Logan's girls won the swim meet, however the BEHS boys won in the meet!!! What an exciting meet!!  We didn't realize that Logan High school didn't have a swimming pool and that their meets are held at Utah State University. It was a beautiful pool in the HPER building.  We will remember all this for the next time that we are needing to go there. I thought that the kids were going to stop for dinner with the team but they didn't. I guess that is reserved for those Salt Lake Meets, where the coaches get free dinner for taking the kids to eat at Crown Burgers. That is a super nice perk for the coaches.  When we got home and picked Fuzuki up at the School we took her to Burger King for her Dinner. Fuzuki loves Hamburgers, they are her FAVORITE!!!  They were her favorite when she got to America and they still are!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Beautiful Beautiful

Beautiful Day!!

From inside of the house, it is a gorgeous day. Outside of the home today is a very very cold day.
Fuzuki and Eve got out of school early today. The first Wednesday of every month is Early Out Day. The girls come home from school at 12:50 pm. Now, it is time for Fuzuki to return to school for Swim practice. She will be there for 2.5 hrs swimming. We will return to the school at 5:30 pm to pick her up. She is always so hungry after swim practice. Tomorrow is a swim meet, so tonight's dinner meal will be lots of calories and carbohydrates.  The coach has told us that Fuzuki is burning 4,000 calories per work out and she had 3 work outs a day. That is alot of calories. I really need to take up swimming on the swim team. When she gets alot of carbohydrates the night before, Fuzuki performs much better at the swimming meets. So, tonight is pasta night. ..... or Maybe it should be Pizza night.

Papa Murphys Stuffed Pizza

Fuzuki is very concerned that she might gain weight.. There is not a chance of it with all the swimming that she is doing.  She works it off before she has a chance to gain an ounce.  She is doing so well.!!!!!!!!!
I thought I would add some additional photos here tonight.
Sobe drinks. Yum, they are good, even when the girls buy 8 and mix them for differnt flavors.
The girls went to the store to buy one drink a piece, and when the clerk told them they could get 4 that day for the same price, they quickly bought all 4 and then came home and drank them all... at one time.  Funny.
Maddox Steak House
They serve the best Beef Steaks and Buffalo in the Western United States. Possibly the best Steaks in the United States. They raise their own Beef and Buffalo.  It is a real treat to have dinner from Maddox. Occasionally we order dinner to go and bring it home. It's very reasonable to take carry out. Dinner for 4 for about $25.00. One of our favorite meals is their Saute Bison. It is served with mushrooms, onions, red and green bell peppers sauted with grated cheese on top and served over the bison. Baked Potato's , Fresh green salad or soup. Most of the time we take the green salad. Fresh homemade dinner rolls are also  included along with butter, sour cream, and honey and of course, your choice of dressing for the salad. If you want desert, you can add on a cream pie for about $5.00 extra. It is a wonderful meal.

The photos are of their original stake house, in the same location, they have only added on to the original building and the photo of the man and his wife, is Wilma and Irvin Maddox, the founder of the stake house.
Of course there is a Bison head right there next to them. Fuzuki likes the taste of the Bison. It's very lean meat.

The restaurant is an old log cabin, and it is also very elegant. To dine inside the restaurant is more expensive. Usually around $15 -$25 a plate. But still worth the experience. We dine inside for special occasions. We held my sons Wedding dinner at the Maddox Lodge, which is the same excellent quality and delicious food, and larger space that allows them to accomodate more people. It's just next door to the restaurant.  It was very very nice!!
This was taken at Halloween. Fuzuki attended several Halloween Parties. One party she went dressed as Tinkerbell. Another dance, she went dressed as a Cat and then the third time she went attired as
T I G G E R from Winnie the Pooh. She was so Cute!!!

Grandpa and Fuzuki wearing Grandpa's Cowboy hat

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Wall above the pools diving board at the Natatorium

2011 has arrived. It has been a very cold winter this year!   Fuzuki has 3 more weeks of swimming on the school Team.  It has been a great experience for her and for our family. We have had a lot of fun supporting her at the swimmeets. Sometimes only Dad has been able to attend the meets. Other times we are all able to attend. Great progress has been made. I think Fuzuki spends more time in the pool than any other student. For Christmas, Santa brought her a new practice swim suit, and it has snowmen on it. It is so cute!!
Fuzuki is the one in the pink towel.

The Swimming Team is one of the very best experiences. This team encourages each other and roots for each other to do their best. It isn't about beating the other team as much as it is about improving yourself. If you do better than you did last week, then you are a winner!!  There just isn't a better group of students and they truly are friends to each other. What a great group of young men and young women!! 

Fuzuki jumping into pool

All remaining swimmeets are out of town. This week is Ogden, then Toolee next week.
Each week Fuzuki's times improve. That is all that is needed to be a real WINNER!!!
I would recommend the swimming team, especially at BEHS to anyone who is considering it. It is a great experience for the youth to be a member of this special group.  I believe in 3 weeks Fuzuki is going to really miss not being in the pool as often as she has been the previous semesters of school.  She has done awesome!! We are So Proud of Fuzuki and all that she is accomplishing!!!