Tuesday, December 28, 2010

She's a BEE!!

School is alot of fun!  It's a large building that is spread out and this is its debut from it's remodeling job.

Most of the students travel back and forth from home to school on these big busses. There are about 20 of them that pick up students after school. Fuzuki goes to home by carpool though.
We have a nice carpool, Mom drives 3 girls home everyday. Well, somedays. All of the girls have many many activities including writing clubs, art clubs, swing club, and swim practices

2nd day of School the girls went to watch the Aries Rocket motor burn at ATK (Thiokol). It was exciting to see this rocket burn and rumble the ground. It only lasted a couple of minutes. NASA has cancelled this program, well, Mr. Obama has cancelled this NASA Aries Rocket Program. Perhaps when there is a new President, we might again venture into space.
We put up new beds so that the girls would have more floor space. Fuzuki has the big bed on bottom. Eve is in smaller bed on top!  That is Paddi, she likes to sleep with Fuzuki!

We attended the Peach Days Parade
Some floats were a bit strange. The plumbing company with a huge toilet.

Peach days was a nice experience. There were carnival rides and a concert which Fuzuki performed during the day with the Lincoln Youth Symphony.  There were lots of booths where people were selling their goods. Paintings, crafts and even food items.

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