Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fuzuki Returns to Japan

A year ago we all knew that this day would come... June 10, 2011. That is the day that Fuzuki was taken to Layton and returned to those in charge of the exchange program.  It was a beautiful sunny day. We finally managed to get all her clothing and all that she wanted to to take home with her in her suit cases and a box. Well, she didn't actually get all her clothing in her suit cases. She left alot of her clothing here.  In order to get all that she got into her suit cases, we resorted to the travel bags that you squeeze all the air out of everything. We managed to get her scrapbook into her suitcase. I hope that she took all that she wanted to take with her. Money was tight and I know she was worried about having enough when she got to the airport.

We truly enjoyed the experiences that we have had this past year as we participated in the Nacel foreign exchange student program. We were truly blessed to have such a wonderful young lady to be "OUR" daughter.

I hope that others who have the opportunity will give it a chance and open your heart and your home to a student. It has been a great experience for our family.

Fuzuki will always have a special place in our heart and in our family.  Our home is too quiet since she left. Not that she was loud, cause she was not. She was a very respectful and very quiet and very fun and beautiful young lady. Eve is missing Fuzuki. She was a great sister for Eve. Perhaps someday Eve will be able to travel to Japan to visit Fuzuki. That would be a wonderful journey for her to take.

Well............We are hoping that Fuzuki will some day decide to return home to Utah. Just in case she does, we instructed her to keep her house key so that she may come in if we are not home. She leaned in smiled and said  "Oh, The back door will be open and I'll be able to get in".  Guess we have  not too good at locking up the house. Well, after that comment, we have been much better at it. :)

Here are photos of our final dinner together and our final gathering with all the students.  Our heart is missing you Fuzuki. We love you!!

profile editor

This is a "See ya Later Kiss"

Fuzuki and Dad were given the opportunity to speak to all gathered and tell of her experiences and ours while she has been here with our family.  Roger spoke first and then she kepts saying, I was going to tell you about "___" but Dad just did..  Guess he should have had her go first. :) They both spoke well and expressed such love.

Loading up the suit cases. Yup, they weighed in less than 50 lbs each. Well, all except the one that weighted in at 75 lbs.

Our dinner. "Turkey" We all Love Turkey, especially FUZUKI!!!

Ohne, Fuzuki and Yuske

Ohne, love the hat and dig those glasses!! Very cute!

Fuzuki is sitting and visiting with Yuske's family

Our Princess

Cute girls in the program.

myspace layouts images

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

San Francisco Orchestra and Band Trip

San Francisco A Whirlwind Trip March 23-27 2011
The Students boarded two buses at the high school after school on Wednesday evening at 6pm. The bus hit the road at 6:30pm. They drove all night, crossing over Donners pass, which required chains on the busses and driving a maximum of 30 mph. Which meant that they arrived in San Francisco Late on the following morning. They were scheduled to meet and perform at Amador Valley High School, a local high school. The weather was very rainy when they did arrive at the High School.  Only one bus of students stayed at the high school. The other bus went to the airport to pick up the tour director. The Band students watched the  HS. Orchestra perform. They did a great job. They were very professional. Very Impressive!! If anyone has the opportunity to listen to the students perform from Amador Valley High School, do not miss the opportunity!! It was absolutely wonderful!!!

The Hornblower Dinner Cruise

All Aboard!!  

Photos with the Captain.

Ohne, Nina, and Eve

Brittany, Fuzuki and Sarah

Dinner was an interesting experience. It was a self serve buffet. The food was delicious.
What was interesting was holding your plate and filling it, while trying to maintain your balance as the boat was going up and down with the waves. The students loved the evening. Everyone danced and sang Karaoke through out the evening.  It was a fun fun evening. Everyone had a wonderful time.

Ghiradelli Square was just DELICIOUS!!!!

Eve, Nina and Ohne

Hmmmm..... What do we want?

                                                                  Oooo... Ice Cream!

Free Chocolate!!! 

Pier 33
It is at pier 33 that you board the boat that will take you to the Island of Alcatraz!

Eve and the whole group waiting to get aboard for the trip to the island.
We received information about what to expect and the Rules to follow on the island.


From on the boat.

First Kiss

March 2011

Fuzuki went to "Hang out" with friends at Nick's house. They watched movies and when Nick brought Fuzuki home, he gave her a kiss. She was wondering "what was that?" She didn't ask him, she just wondered. She was surprised. He later texted her when he got home that he has liked her alot for quite some time and he just had to show her how much he liked her, so he kissed her.
Since that time, she has experienced several kisses from Nick.

March - Jr. Prom

Fuzuki was invited to the Jr. Prom by Nick Benson. He is a very kind and nice young man. They had a great time. They went in a small group. They went to dinner in Logan at an Italian Restaurant. They took lots of photos at his home before they went to the dance.  Fuzuki looked just beautiful in her dress.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Scenes of destruction after Japan's tsunami, quake - ksl.com

Scenes of destruction after Japan's tsunami, quake - ksl.com

11 March 2011 - Earthquake in Japan

This morning we awoke to the news that overnight Japan had experienced an 8.9 earthquake.
We woke Fuzuki up early so that she would have time to comprenend what had happened and to have a chance to discuss and vent any concerns for her family. Mostly she reassured us that the earthquake was further north than where her family is located.  Most of the concern is for her Mom and Dad, as they would have been at work in Tokyo. She is a bit concerned of how they would have managed to get home or if they are yet home in a nearby city.
So, today the thoughts and prayers of this home and all who reside within these walls are with our friends and family in Japan. We ask Heavenly Fathers blessings to be upon you and protect and help you at this time.

Tomorrow is a big day for Fuzuki. She will be attending Prom with her friend Nick. They are planning a day of games, then dinner, then the dance. She tells me that she is not going to promenade. I am not sure if that is correct or not.   Well, for today, our concern and thoughts are with those we care about in Japan.

This evening, we have received an email from Fuzuki's parents. Their family has survived the earthquake well and all is ok within their family and their home. What a blessing. Fuzuki told me that Uske has heard from his parents and Ohne is the only one now that has not heard from her parents. It's good to KNOW that all is well and to not have that worry. So, Thank you Kiyomi, for letting us know that all is well.

Tonight, Fuzuki has gone to  Carmens home to hang out and watch a movie. That is good. they were here last week for a party. Fuzuki had about 8 friends over for a party and to watch movies. They had a good time and lots of good treats. Pizza, chips, candy, cupcakes..yummy. It was good! 

So glad that all is well with Fuzuki's family and friends who are back in Japan.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

8 March 2011 - Rock Haus

Young Men and Young Women's Combined Activity this month was going to the Rock Haus in Logan.
The kids had a great time. There were different levels for everyone to participate.  The employees at the Rock Haus were very courteous and gave great instruction to the kids. Everyone was prepared well by the time that they allowed them to belay.  Here are the photos from this activity.
Hannah you go girl!! Lexie is belaying Hannah
Those 16 and older learning to belay.
Fuzuki getting into the swing of it.
Heather and Eve climbing the wall upstairs.
Chauncey climbing and wow is he UP there!  Great job!!
Joe making his way to the very tip top!! 
Good Job Guys!! Joe Burgan, Jeff Isham, Casey Jeppesen I can't recognize the girl on the left.
Fuzuki is second from the left. Good Job Fuzuki!!

I have more photos to post but had to purchase room to post them. So perhaps I can edit and add them tomorrow.
This was a wonderful experience. As we left the Rock Haus, one of the young women said "This would be a great place to come for a date". What fun we all had. Eve and Fuzuki are still sore from all the exercise.  

28 February 2011 - Abravanel Hall - Home of the Utah Symphony

 ABRAVANEL HALL - Home of the Utah Symphony

This is a beautiful photo of the building. I love the shape of this building. I just love everything to do with the symphony. I think it was a great opportunity for Fuzuki to perform with the Symphony . 
The Lincoln Youth Symphony was given the opportunity to perform in  Abravanel Hall along with many high school groups. It was a bright shiny day and the temperatures were very cold on this Monday Morning performance.  Fuzuki left home at 6am to be on the bus heading towards Salt Lake by 6:30am. They performed at 9:30 am.  It was a remarkable opportunity to be in such a lovely building and to perform where the acoustics are so great. Roger and I drove down to record their performance. We wanted to get a great  photograph of the Symphony on the stage, however, some very sweet grey haired older ladies would not permit it. So we recorded and photographed from our seats instead of the back of the concert hall. 
Fuzuki is sitting behind the left micorphone. Wish I could have seen her clearer without any obstructions.  

 Isn't this just a beautiful Concert Hall!!
Love these beautiful chandaliers.

Fuzuki and her violin.
It was a wonderful experience!! 

Fuzuki is on her way up the grand staircase to take a group photo with the Symphony.